Live Audio Streaming

Our audio streaming hosting service will enable you to stream real-time broadcasts with high quality (128 kbps or more) and as many on-line listeners as required. You only need to send the audio stream source to us and our streaming servers will relay it to your listeners; it is as simple as that.

As streaming servers we use the Icecast open-source streaming software, which supports MP3-, AAC-, Ogg Vorbis- or Opus-formatted audio streams and it is compatible with most audio source encoders, such as Winamp, Nicecast, Icecast's IceS or even hardware encoders like the Barix Instreamer. This is the ideal audio streaming solution for radios, nightclubs or private persons that wish to broadcast their music and shows live over the Internet. The audio stream is compatible with any software like Windows Media Player, iTunes, QuickTime, Real Player, Winamp, as well as any modern smart devices (e.g. Android devices, iPhone, iPad, etc). Moreover, our network has been especially engineered for low latency, high reliability and performance, which makes it the perfect choice for real-time broadcasting.

Audio Streaming Packages - Main Features

Common Features
Server Location
ISO 27001-Certified
High-Availability Infrastructure and Servers
Audio Quality (Bit Rate)
Audio Format
Streaming Bandwidth and Time
Web Analytics
Access & Error Logs

128 kbps (High Quality)
MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis or Opus

Audio Streaming - Package Specifics

Level S1
CHF 360
per year
CHF 180
Simultaneous Listeners
One-time set-up fee
Level S2
CHF 480
per year
CHF 180
Simultaneous Listeners
One-time set-up fee
Level S4
CHF 960
per year
CHF 180
Simultaneous Listeners
One-time set-up fee