Establishing memberships with pertinent associations or unions in the information and communications technology industry is an important success factor for all parties involved. This is one of the reasons why we carefully select our memberships.
The Réseaux IP Européens Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC), located in the Netherlands, primarily coordinates the allocation of Internet resources, namely IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, as well as autonomous system numbers (ASN), for the entire Europe., being part of the Internet, has been member of RIPE since 2012, as a Local Internet Registry (LIR) in Switzerland and therefore holds its own provider-independent IP address spaces and operates its own autonomous system on the Internet. also contributes to the RIPE Atlas global and distributed Internet measurement platform, by hosting a sponsored Atlas anchor from RIPE.

Swiss Made Software and Swiss Hosting
Swiss Made Software is a label promoting the Swiss software industry in Switzerland itself and abroad, by advocating the core values of quality, reliability and precision. It is awarded to Swiss companies that strongly focus on these core values and that can prove their Swissiness. has, since the beginning, been strongly committed to providing services made in Switzerland and was awarded the Swiss Made Software label in 2017 and the Swiss Hosting label in 2020.
Informatics apprenticeship association (ILV)
The Informatics apprenticeship association (Informatik Lehrbetriebsverband, ILV) of the cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Land aims to promote the foundation and continuous training in the information and communication technology (ICT) field, within the framework and standards defined by the cantonal office for professional training. has been a member of the IVL since 2014 and actively involved in the education of future system engineers through the Swiss apprenticeship system.